Interior design, architecture and lifestyle studio FortyFour is based in Riga and working worldwide. Like all the good things we can describe our style as a balanced blend of our curiosity about technological possibilities, respect of heritage and overall sense of contemporary qualities and wellbeing. Good result is where the client and environment are lead by inspiration and achieving more then expected. This is where design and architecture plays its card.
Martins Hermansons / chief designer
Kristaps Grundsteins / creative director
Sarmis Drieks
Andrejs Porins
Lelde Savoni
Ilja Smirnovs
Anna Kondrateva
Solveiga Arente
Berta Beketova
Toms Ambrozs
Inese Gusta
Toms Cepuritis
Laima Kise
William Sullivan
Iveta Plato
Rasa Gravite
Peteris Venckovics
Karlis Narkevics
Frenks Krists Marsans
Liga Beliakiene
Ernests Sveisbergs
Dmitrii Elizarov
Juris Kantisevs
Andris Rubenis
Ieva Bome
Janis Zingis
Martins Duselis